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AffirmationsThe practice of affirmations can help you solve various life problems, from health problems, to problems with finances. With them, you can implement almost any of your desire, or, at least, bring yourself closer to the coveted goal. Does not sound too convincing? Perhaps you will be skeptical of these statements, however, millions of people on earth continue to positively speak about the use of affirmations in their lives. The main thing is that affirmations work regardless of whether you believe in them or not - you introduce positive attitudes into your subconscious, and they begin to work. Well, the most surprising is that with the help of affirmations, many people influence such things in our world, it is simply not possible to influence them in the usual ways. However, we will not be distracted, how and why affirmations work, you can learn from other articles of the site. Here I will post affirmations for all occasions. Choose from the list of affirmations those that are aimed at solving your problems and enjoy the process of attracting or creating changes in your life. FULL LIST OF POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS: Affirmations, TheoryThe affirmations are positive statements, the regular repetition of which brings you closer to the goal set forth in these statements. The principle of affirmations is simple and is that you force yourself to think that the goal you want to achieve has already been achieved. This, in turn, not only motivates you to achieve your goal, but also affects reality at the metaphysical level and creates the prerequisites for achieving this goal in reality. Repeating statements at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, soon, depending on the complexity of the desire, you begin to notice that you are approaching your goal. In this section you will find information on how to make affirmations, how to apply statements, how statements work, and what goals you can achieve with them. In short, statements can be characterized as positive statements that are repeated many times in order to achieve a certain emotional state and, as a consequence, change life circumstances. The pursued result can be anything: improving the mood, increasing motivation, meeting the soul mate and even getting a certain amount of money. How to achieve results in the external world, we will talk a little later, while we consider what statements are there. So, first of all, a positive statement contains several key words, to which we aspire to attract our attention. They include the time of action, the subject to which we want to influence, and the result or condition that we want to associate with ourselves or extend to ourselves. There are several basic rules for writing affirmations and recommendations for their repetition, which you should know if you want to start the practice of positive affirmations. Consciously or unconsciously, the repetition of affirmations accompanies the calls of visual or other images in the head, which contributes to the amplification of the effect, and, in general, serves the foundation on which this technique is held. I must say that the statements were based not only on the obvious influence on the emotional state of a person, but also on the concept of the power of thought. The essence of this concept is that the regular concentration of a person's attention on one thought for a long time, the probability of its manifestation in reality becomes higher. Thus, non-material thought manifests itself in the material world. Repeated statements are an incredibly powerful technique of influencing human consciousness and, as a consequence, on his life. Thousands and thousands of inhabitants of the Earth confirm that affirmations have changed their lives. Change your life with your affirmations. Articles About Affirmations:
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