Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Bourdon Test Online

Passing the Bourdon test will allow you assess your level of attention, fatigue, workability, and resistance to monotonous activities in which you need to maintain a high level of attention. The technique was proposed by B. Bourdon in 1895, and since then it has been widely used in psychology. There are various modifications of the technique, for example, the Ivanov – Smolensk tables, and the Bourdon – Anfimov tables, as well as the Landolt rings. Many of you may have passed or have dealt with the Bourdon sample in the form of a letter and number variant, which, by the way, are presented in this section, as well as in the form of a proofreading table for children.

With the help of the “Bourdon test” methods presented on this site, you can check two indicators of your attention, namely, the amount of attention and concentration. Here you can take the Bourdon test online for free. Note: the preparation of the table by the server and the calculation of the result will take 2 seconds, it may take about 3 seconds to create the table in your browser, this time is taken into account when calculating the result. Attention: the table may not display correctly on devices with a low display resolution

Bourdon-Wirsma test

Group Bourdon Test or Bourdon-Wirsma Test:

The Bourdon-Wirsma test is a variation of the Bourdon test in which you have to select groups of four points among groups of three and five points in five tables. Each table consists of 16 rows with 25 groups of points in each row (in the mobile version, a row consists of 16 points, and the rows themselves are 25). The total time to complete the test is 10 minutes. You need to select as many pictures with four dots as possible for 2 minutes sequentially from left to right, and try not to select groups with five and four dots, since in this case an error will be counted. Also, you should try not to skip pictures with four dots, as this will also be considered an error. You will automatically switch from one table to another every two minutes until you get to the page with the results of the test.

Go to the full test description page:Bourdon-Wirsma test
 Bourdon-Wirsma test

Bourdon Test: Alphabetic Version:

The essence of the method is that in a table consisting of 40 lines of letters of 40 letters in each line, delete the letters in the first line. Say, the first letter in the line "A", then you must select all the letters "A" in the alphabetical row. The lead time is 5 minutes, after which you will go to the results page. The technique itself will require that you fully concentrate on the process.

Go to the full test description page:Bourdon Test Letters
Bourdon Test - Alphabetic Version - simplified version
Bourdon test - Letters online - advanced

Bourdon Test - Numerical Version

The numerical version of the Bourdon test, as well as the alphabetical version, allows you to check the amount of attention and concentration. Your task is to select in the table the digits of the check digit, which you will find in the conditions of the task immediately after clicking the link. Time ends in 3 minutes.

Go to the full test description page:Bourdon Test Numbers
Test for passing on smartphones with a small screen resolution. A string of 40 digits is divided into two lines of 20 digits. In the results, two rows will be counted as one row. Link to the test below:
Take the "Bourdon Test - Numbers" test online (for small screens)
Test to pass on wide screen devices - standard 40 digits per line:
Take the "Bourdon Test - Numbers" test online (for standard monitors)

Test "Landolt Rings"

The Landolt Rings test as well as the two previous versions of the Bourdon test allows you to check the rate of attention volume and concentration. Here you need to select in the table of rings a ring with a specific direction, which will be set at the beginning of the test. The time of test "Landolt Rings" - 5 minutes.

Go to the full test description page:Bourdon Test Landolt
Start Test - Landolt Rings (Simplified)

Bourdot Test Theory

A special form (blank) with letters, numbers or figures located in it in random order is required to conduct the test. If there is no blank, you can use an ordinary newspaper or a book, although in this case it will be more difficult to calculate the result. The test subjects task is to sequentially search for and select certain characters in the table of the test, starting from the top row from left to right, within the allotted time, usually 5 to 10 minutes. It is desirable for the subject to have good eyesight and a sufficient level of literacy, although, for an illiterate group of the population, one can find a suitable Bourdon test that does not require a high level of intellectual development. By the way, children can also pass a special Bourdon test, starting with the older groups of kindergartens and schoolchildren of all ages (the older the child, the more difficult test).

When checking the results, in addition to forms, it is desirable to have a form-key, with selected letters or numbers, which the person who passed the Bourdon test had to find. This will help to calculating the results. In addition, for faster verification of test results, you can use a special template with holes, which should coincide with the letters or numbers selected by the test subject. However, in the case of a template, you will not be able to count the number of mistakenly selected letters. Passing the Bourdon test online will help you avoid having to count the result, although at the moment it is possible to pass a limited number variants of test.

Incidentally, the effect of exercise here is minimal. You will show the best results only if you improve your concentration skills. It should also be borne in mind that the results of the subjects may strongly depend on their emotional state, as well as their mental and physical health.

  • Main Factors:

    Time spent on testing t

    The total number of rings that you viewed, to the last selected rings N

    Total lines scanned C

    Total number of rings to cross out n

    Total number of crossed out rings. M

    You have correctly chosen rings. S

    Total skipped rings. P

    You mistakenly chose rings. O

  • Calculation Of The Result:

    Attention speed (attention efficiency) A=N/t A characters per second.

    Work Accuracy Indicator (First Option) T1=M/n T1 conventional units.

    Accuracy indicator of work (the second option) T2=S/n T2 conventional units.

    Accuracy indicator of work (the third option, according to Whipp) T3=(M-O)/(M+P) T3 conventional units.

    Coefficient of mental productivity E=N*T2 E characters.

    Mental performance Au=(N/t)*((M-(O+P))/n) Au characters per second.

    Attention stability Ku=C*(C/(P+O+(1))) conventional units.

    Concentration (the percentage of correctly selected characters from all that need to be allocated) K=((M-O)*100)/n K %.

    The amount of visual information (V) is calculated by the formula: V=0,5936*N* were 0,5936 - average volume per character (bit) V.

    Processing speed (Q) is calculated by the formula: Q=(V-2,807*(P+O))/t were 2,807 - loss of information on one missing symbol Q.

    Level of attention, K.

    Level of attentionValue, K%
    Very good81 - 100%
    Good61 - 80%
    Average41 - 60%
    Bad21 - 40%
    Very bad0 - 20%

    Stability of concentration - points and level of development.

    5,3 - 20,41ILow
    20,5 - 35,52
    35,6 - 50,63
    50,7 - 65,74IIAverage
    65,8 - 80,95
    81,0 - 96,06
    96,1 - 111,17IIIHigh
    111,2 - 126,28
    126,3 - 171,99
    172,0 - 219,710IVVery high
    219,8 - 326,411
    326,5 - 1101,512

    Processing speed for children from 7 to 14 years.

    Age (years)V, bitQ, bit
    7 - 82600,74
    9 - 102820,83
    11 - 123401,02
    13 - 143751,11

    Table of processing speed in points.

    PointsQ, bit/с
    20,57 - 0,63
    30,64 - 0,73
    40,74 - 0,83
    50,84 - 0,91
    60,92 - 1,04
    71,05 - 1,19
    81,20 - 1,34
    91,35 - 1,36

    Norm for adults Q = 1,6 (+-) 0,16.

    • © Oleg Akvan

      Comment block
      Ivan 2024-11-05 18:36:05

      Hi,I wanted to thank you for the program, its very useful. Could I please ask to include an updated version with new symbols and testing conditions? please send me a email for more details
      Admin 2024-11-12 08:45:15

      Hello! You can describe in the comments what type of Bourdon test you would like to see on our website. We will consider your proposal and try to create a new test based on your wishes.

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