Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Schulte table test online

Example of filling in the Schulte table

Test description
The Schulte test is one of the simplest tests of attention. All you have to do is select the numbers in the table in ascending or descending order. This should be done as quickly as possible. The result is estimated by the transit time and the number of erroneous clicks.
Test execution:
Depending on the type of the Schulte Table Test, you are required to find and sequentially select the numbers in the table in ascending order, starting with the smallest number and ending with the largest, and in descending order - starting with the largest number and ending with the smallest. A square Schulte table is usually used, however, there may be rectangular options, including for the convenience of passing the test on various devices.
Calculation of the result
The result includes the time taken to complete the test and the number of mistakes made. The longer the time and the more mistakes, the worse. The time for passing the test is not limited, but the average time for passing the Schulte test of two simple types, with the exception of the "Red-Black Table" option, is much less. Registered users can see if their score is included in the 20 percent of the average score for this Schulte test by other people.

Below you can see links to different variants of the Schulte test online. Keep in mind that the more cells - numbers the test contains, the more screen resolution is required.

Online Schulte table in ascending order (With highlighting of selected squares):
4X4 5X5 6X6 7X7 8X8 9X9 10X10

Schulte table online in ascending order (without highlighting the selected squares):
4X4 5X5 6X6 7X7 8X8 9X9 10X10

Online Schulte table in descending order (with highlighting of selected squares):
4X4 5X5 6X6 7X7 8X8 9X9 10X10

Online Schulte table in descending order (without highlighting the selected squares):
4X4 5X5 6X6 7X7 8X8 9X9 10X10

You can also choose your version of the Schulte table Simbols
Select characters for the test: Chinese characters
Select a test option: In order
With or without field selection: With selected characters highlighted
Field dimensions:
Start Schulte Test Symbols

© Oleg Akvan

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Dasha 2024-11-12 13:00:38


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