Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Classic Stroop Test online

Stroop test online version

Description of the online version of the classic Stroop test
This page contains a non-verbal (for self-testing without an examiner and without the need to pronounce the names of colors) version of the classic Stroop test. Due to technical limitations, the online version of the Stroop test with the voicing of color names is not currently available. However, you can estimate the delay time that occurs when trying to name the color of a color name, when the color name contradicts the color in which this name is written, you can visually - using a computer mouse or pressing the touch screen of a smartphone or other device. From this, the effectiveness of assessing the flexibility of thinking will decrease slightly, if at all.

Passing the classic Stroop test online
The test consists of two options:
The first version of the Stroop test requires you to click on the palette immediately after showing the word the color that this word names. At the same time, in the first stage of the experiment, you will be shown the names of colors written in black font, and in the second stage - written in a font of different colors.
In the second version of the Stroop test you will need to click on the button with the name of the color that you see. So, in the first turn, multi-colored rectangles will be shown in front of you, and your task will be to click on the button with the name of the color of the shown rectangle. In the second round of the experiment, you will need to select a button with the name of the color of the words that will be shown on the screen.

Calculating the result of passing the Stroop test online
The test result is calculated from the difference between the average response time in the first stage of the experiment of the selected version of the Stroop test and the average response time in the second stage of the experiment. It is important to understand that the purity of the experiment depends on how carefully you take the test, since even a second of distraction can skew the results. It is noteworthy that in the second version of the Stroop test, the delay with which a person gives an answer will be greater than in the first version. This delay can be reduced by training, while the delay in the first experiment, on the contrary, will be increased, and vice versa.

Express Stroop test for 30 pairs of word-colors:
Express Stroop test for 60 pairs of word-colors:
Standard Stroop test for 100 word-color pairs in each series:

© Oleg Akvan

Comment block
陳姵璇 2023-11-23 05:48:30

Ton 2023-11-23 07:08:16

All good
Y Mohammed sidthik 2024-03-02 08:55:53

Best test
luigi frangi 2024-03-06 13:00:20

top test i`m top player
Tomer shaham 2024-05-15 12:17:59

be yourself
Yonatan 2024-05-16 18:58:44

Thank you
kady 2024-07-03 11:17:08

this was shit dont waste ur time
Admin 2024-09-22 11:40:46

Everyone decides for themselves what to spend their time on.
Silver 2024-10-17 19:59:54

I ll do that one

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