Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods
Play Chess With Computer OnlineChess is one of the most popular board games on our planet. They are played by adults and children, men and women, people from different countries and social strata. At home, on the Internet, at work, in parks and courtyards, wherever there are conditions for this, you can meet two enthusiastic chess players who reflect on the next step. Perhaps even now, when you read this article, thousands and thousands of people around the world are hone their skills or just spend time sitting in a chess game. Next, you can play chess with the computer player "Schroeder". A little lower you can solve three chess problems from the "Schroeder". Still lower is a small article about the importance of chess for self-development. And, finally, another chess "engine" of the Fish.
Computer Player "Shredder" From
I do not know the rating of the game "Schroeder", and I do not know if it will be suitable for training beginners, however, if you once played chess and could closely monitor the situation on the board and calculate the options for moves, defeat the opponent at an easy level should not be very difficult.
Also you can solve three chess problems of the day:
Attention: the button "More" leads to a third-party site: About The Role Of Chess For The Development Of PersonalityChess is not just a game, it's like an intellectual sport, and entertainment and mind training. We can not forget that we are dealing with mental abilities, and we make our memory work hard in the search for useful combinations. Thus, the usual game of chess - whether with a computer or with a person capable of calculating approximately equal or slightly more combinations than you get, promotes the development of concentration, memory and logical thinking. Of course, in order for training to be most effective, you must play chess regularly. However, it's okay if your time is limited and you can devote a game of chess a couple of hours a week. The time spent in chess with full efficiency and with gradual complication will cause your brain to work and create new connections in the network of neurons. The same effect that you can achieve from time to time, solves all sorts of chess problems, which, incidentally, are very useful if you want to relax from the game with a real opponent. © Oleg Akvan Advertisement:
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