Interactive Portal-Book of Methods of Self-Development

Bourdon test with numbers-online

In fact, the digital version of the Bourdon test can be the simplest of all the variants of the Bourdon test - since numbers are easier to perceive than, for example, letters or rings with a certain direction of the gap, but this does not in any way reduce the possibilities of this type of Bourdon test for assessing the possibilities of our attention.

Instructions for performing the test Bourdon's test digital version - online:

The task of the test subject when performing this form of Bourdon's test is to, sequentially looking through row by row of the table with numbers, find and highlight those numbers that were given in the assignment. It can be either one number or two, depending on the test variant. The time to complete the test is slightly less than for most types of proofreading tests, namely 3 minutes. In case you cope with the task earlier, click on the "Submit" button.

Test for passing on smartphones with a small screen resolution. A string of 40 digits is divided into two lines of 20 digits. In the results, two rows will be counted as one row. Link to the test below:
Take the "Bourdon Test - Numbers" test online (for small screens)
Test to pass on wide screen devices - standard 40 digits per line:
Take the "Bourdon Test - Numbers" test online (for standard monitors)

Please be aware that taking this test on the small screen (smartphone screens with low resolution) variant can interfere with an accurate and objective assessment of your attentional abilities, because as the screen width decreases, the field of view narrows and, as expected, attention span increases, aimed at checking smaller strings with numbers. At the same time, it is likely that the total number of lines viewed in the allotted time in the mobile version of the test will be lower. Passing the "Bourdon Test - Numbers" test on devices with a standard width (on personal computers) will allow you to get more objective data about the abilities of your mind.

Bourdon test calculated indicators:

  • Main indicators:

    Time spent t

    The total number of characters viewed up to the last selected character N

    Total number of lines viewed C

    The total number of characters to be crossed out n

    The total number of characters crossed out M

    Correctly selected letters S

    Letter characters you missedP

    Wrongly selected characters O

  • Calculation of the result:

    Indicator of the speed of attention (attention performance) A=N/t A characters per second.

    Work accuracy indicator (first option) T1=M/n T1 conventional units

    Work accuracy indicator (second option) T2=S/n T2 conventional units

    Work accuracy indicator (third option, according to Whipp) T3=(M-O)/(M+P) T3 conventional units

    Mental productivity index E=N*T2 E characters.

    Mental performance Au=(N/t)*((M-(O+P))/n) Au characters per second

    Concentration (percentage of correctly highlighted characters from all that needed to be highlighted) K=((M-O)*100)/n K percent.

    Indicator of stability of attention concentration Ku=C*(C/(P+O+(1))) (if there are no errors or omissions, add one to the divisor) Ku conventional units

    The capacity of visual information (V) calculated by the formula: V=0,5936*N where 0,5936 - average capacity per character (bit) V characters

    The processing rate (Q) is calculated by the formula: Q=(V-2,807*(P+O))/t where 2,807 - loss of information for one missed one, Q characters

    Attention level K.

    The level of development of concentration of attentionValue, K%
    Very good81 - 100%
    Good61 - 80%
    Average41 - 60%
    Bad21 - 40%
    Very bad0 - 20%

    Stability of concentration of attention - points and level.

    5,3 - 20,41ILow
    20,5 - 35,52
    35,6 - 50,63
    50,7 - 65,74IIAverage
    65,8 - 80,95
    81,0 - 96,06
    96,1 - 111,17IIIHight
    111,2 - 126,28
    126,3 - 171,99
    172,0 - 219,710IVVery hight
    219,8 - 326,411
    326,5 - 1101,512

    Processing speed table for children from 7 to 14 years old.

    Age (years)V, bitQ, bit
    7 - 82600,74
    9 - 102820,83
    11 - 123401,02
    13 - 143751,11

    Table of processing speed in points.

    PointsQ, bit/с
    20,57 - 0,63
    30,64 - 0,73
    40,74 - 0,83
    50,84 - 0,91
    60,92 - 1,04
    71,05 - 1,19
    81,20 - 1,34
    91,35 - 1,36

    Norm for adults Q = 1,6 (+-) 0,16.

    • © Oleg Akvan

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