Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Attention test "Red-Black Table"

Description of the test of attention according to the method "Red-Black Table" online

Test description
This test according to the "Red-Black Table" method is a modification of Schulte tables, one of such modifications is FD Gorbov's Red-Black Table test, in which you need to alternately select red numbers in descending order and black numbers in ascending order. To check the correctness of the test in offline mode, a pair of letters of the alphabet was added to each number - the letters of the alphabet, which the subjects write down from the bottom of the table, and the people conducting the test can check the correctness of the execution using this row of letters.
Test execution:
Your goal in this type of test "Red-Black Table" is to alternately write out from the table the letters next to the red numbers in descending order and black numbers in ascending order. That is, first you find the largest red number in the table (this is 25), write down the letter with this number in the field below. After that, find the smallest black number (this is 1) and write the letter that stands next to this number in the field below, next to the already written letter. Then go to the red number 24 and write out the letter next to it. Next, write out a letter next to the black number 2. Then go to red 23, black 3 and so on, writing out the letters next to these numbers in the field below. It is important to be extremely careful and keep in mind the ordinal number of the red and black numbers, the pairs of the letters of which you write out. Time to work with the table - 5 minutes, if you did it earlier, click on the "Submit" button.
Calculation of the result
The result is calculated based on the number of correctly written letters from the table - in the correct sequence from the beginning up to the first mistake. At the moment, in relation to this type of test "Red-Black Table", not enough data have been collected to objectively assess the possibilities of the subjects' attention, therefore, according to the test, we can only give an approximate estimate of the possibilities of your attention. At the same time, a good result can be considered as writing out all 49 letters by the subject in the correct sequence (without a single mistake) in the allotted time.

© Oleg Akvan

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