Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Short-term memory test - words

Picture with words to remember

Description of the word memorization test
The short-term memory test for words is, along with the test for memorizing numbers, one of the simplest tests to determine the capabilities of a person's short-term memory. The test is a form with 16 words - nouns that are displayed on the screen for 64 seconds (4 seconds for each word), for which a person must memorize as many of the presented words as possible, and then enter them into a special form without necessarily observing their order placement.
Taking the Word Memorization Test
After clicking on the next link "Test short-term memory for words", you will be taken to a page where you will see a list of 16 words that you will need to memorize during 64 seconds. After 64 seconds, you will be redirected to the result check page with a 16-field input form, where you need to enter all the words that you managed to remember. After writing down the memorized words, click on the "Finish" button to go to the page with the test results.
Calculating the results of the test for memorization of words
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no objective data on what result of the test of short-term memory for words is the norm for a person, however, over time, as accumulation of statistical data, this information will be available and reflected on the results page of the short-term memory test for words.

© Oleg Akvan

Comment block
Phatidta 2023-11-23 05:50:59

very good
Diana Bowman 2023-12-18 16:11:01

Oooh tricky bit stresses
Diana Bowman 2023-12-18 16:25:23

Oh tricky
KK 2024-07-28 15:29:02

16/16 in the right order!!! I did not cheat!

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