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Affirmations for Self-Love

Self-love is one of the very important conditions for a person’s happiness and well-being. Self-love allows us to count on the countless blessings of the infinite Universe, on the health of our own body, mind and soul, and on the love and respect of other people for us. Self-love allows us to see the beauty of this world and the value of every moment of our lives. But how to develop self-love? How can we accept ourselves as we are with all our shortcomings? How to learn to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and for the fact that we do not live the way we want? How to choose the path of love and care for yourself, your body and personality? The articles of our site will help you with this, as well as the affirmations for self-love given in this article.

Affirmations for Self-Love (Self-Love Affirmations):

  • I love and accept myself as I am.
  • I like the way my body looks.
  • I love myself just for what I am.
  • I love my strengths and weaknesses.
  • I love every wrinkle on my body.
  • I love every mole on my body.
  • I love myself for the loud laugh.
  • I love myself when I'm sad.
  • I love myself when I am happy.
  • I love myself when I'm wrong.
  • I love myself when I make mistakes.
  • I love, accept and forgive myself for every mistake made in my life.
  • I love myself for success and achievement.
  • I love myself when I'm afraid.
  • I love myself when I do bold deeds.
  • I love myself when I do stupid things.
  • I love myself for all that I am.
  • I love my character.
  • I love myself for the path that I have traveled in my past.
  • I love myself for my memories.
  • I love and treat myself with respect and care.
  • I respect myself and demand respect for myself.
  • I am an important part of this world.
  • I love myself, and it helps me to love other people and sentient beings.
  • I am in awe and love for the health of my body.
  • I care for my body with love.
  • I care for my inner world.
  • I love myself for silly thoughts in my head.
  • I treat myself with kindness and kindly treat everyone else.
  • I am kind to myself and to other people.
  • I fill myself with love and radiate the all-pervading light of love into the surrounding space.
  • I love every moment of my life.
  • I am worthy of my love.
  • I deserve my respect.
  • I love everything that I discover in my inner world.
  • I love myself and lovingly look at the whole world.
  • I love myself and let others love me for who I am.
  • I accept the idea of ​​universal equality when everyone is equally worthy of love.

It is very difficult to actually love ourselves for all that we are, especially when, it would seem, we cannot find reasons for loving ourselves. But it is very, very important. Choose affirmations for self-love that are most in harmony with your personality and repeat them on a regular basis. Remember, whatever our past lives may be, we must learn to forgive ourselves, and learn to love the world around us, just as we love ourselves. Only through self-love can we fill our life with the endless benefits that the Universe generously gives to those who know how to accept it. Only through self-love can we achieve true happiness. I wish you success and all the best! Love yourself and be happy!

© Oleg Akvan

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