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Affirmations For Teens

Adolescence is one of the most difficult periods of a person`s life. We can say this is a turning point when a person forms his worldview and most of his views on life. The young man is changing right before our eyes, not only externally, but also internally, and no one except himself knows for sure what is happening in his soul. Adolescents are easily suggestible, very restrained, often confused in an attempt to realize the changes that occur with them. During this period, they may need help in the formation of positive personality traits, and affirmations can provide this help, which, in view of the teenager`s great susceptibility during this period, work with great efficiency. If you, as a teenager, want to work on improving your personal qualities, affirmations for teenagers from this article will help you. Use them or create your own affirmations for teens if you want.

Affirmations For Teens:

  • Every day in every way I get better and better.
  • I understand that this is the age for learning and preparing for the future, and I do it sincerely.
  • I have a great memory, and I remember everything with ease.
  • Life is beautiful and I enjoy every moment of it.
  • I am blessed by God and I, in turn, bless everything around me.
  • I`m studying at a wonderful school, my teachers and school friends are wonderful people.
  • Learning is easy for me, and I love learning.
  • I can easily find a common language with my classmates.
  • I love to play and train, and I am full of energy and strength.
  • I easily focus on my studies.
  • I successfully learn to control my emotions.
  • I understand that spiritual growth is necessary for a full life, and I work in this direction.
  • I know that friends and friendship have a huge impact on life, so I`m careful in choosing my friends.
  • I love and accept myself unconditionally.
  • I can set and achieve my goals.
  • I am healthy and have a healthy appetite.
  • I love and respect my parents, brothers and sisters.
  • I understand that habits create a person, and I develop good habits.
  • I love and respect my family, my environment and my country.
  • I think well of myself and my surroundings.
  • I accept myself as I am, but I like to develop myself in different directions.

As you may have noticed, affirmations for teens affect various spheres of life and the circumstances in which most modern young men and women have to find themselves. However, this is not a complete list of affirmations for adolescents, you can make your own positive statements that suit your life teens. Be strong, success and prosperity in everything!

© Oleg Akvan

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