Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Short-term memory test "Memory for numbers - series of numbers" online

Description of the short-term memory test "Memorizing large numbers" - progression

Test Description
This version of the test for memorizing numbers, unlike the version with a table of 12 numbers, offers you to test your short-term memory by sequentially memorizing multi-digit numbers: starting from a number of five digits, ending with a number of 20 digits, with a gradual increase in complexity - more and more digits in the number to be remembered.
Performing the test:
After clicking on the "Take the test" link, you will see the "Start test" button in front of you, clicking on which initiates the appearance of a number in the center of the page that you should remember. The time during which the number to remember will be shown - 4 seconds. Your task is to remember this number and enter it in the input field that will appear two seconds later. After, by pressing the "Next" button, the level of difficulty of the test will increase and a number will appear on the screen by 1 digit more than the previous one, which you should also remember. The test will be completed when making three mistakes in a row when entering the memorized numbers.
Calculation of the result
The result of the test of short-term memory for a series of numbers is calculated based on the maximum number of digits in the number that you could remember without a single mistake. At the moment, the interpretation of the results of this variant of the test is limited, but over time, after collecting sufficient statistical data, more complete information about the capabilities of your short-term memory will be available to you.

© Oleg Akvan

Comment block
Dromi 2024-02-16 18:43:49

Its about how many NUMBERS you can remember, not how many rows. Just google "magic number 7"
Admin 2024-02-22 10:52:34

That is right, you need to memorize numbers here, but you can memorize them using mnemonic methods to overcome the short-term memory capacity limitation of 7(+-2). The more effective mnemonic techniques you use, the more large numbers you can remember.

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