Interactive Portal-Book of Self-Development Methods

Kraepelin test online - mobile version

Picture for the Kraepelin test mobile version online

This mobile version of the Kraepelin Counting test will allow you to take the test on your mobile phone, even with a small screen. All you need to do is enter the results of the math problems that will appear on your screen using the interactive keyboard. The test will allow you to get an idea of your attention swings, switching, and mental tempo.

As in the regular version of the Kraepelin test, here you will need to solve small problems - addition of two numbers, or subtraction in the Kurochkin version. Passing the test:
Two numbers will appear on the screen in front of you, one above the other, your task is to write the result of adding these numbers, and if the sum of the addition is greater than 10, you should subtract 10 from the result and enter the remainder as the answer. Thus, if as a result of adding two numbers you get the number 15, you should enter 5, and if as a result of adding you get 10, you need to enter 0. After entering the answer, the next example will immediately appear in front of you, and after the time allotted for one row of examples has expired, you will automatically switch to the next row. Calculating the result:
You will see the test results after all the examples have been solved, or after the time for completing all the rows of problems has expired.

Kraepelin test mobile version online:

© Oleg Akvan

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